• dhork@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    There are voters who think that “Trump Derangement Syndrome” is a thing, that Trump is no worse in his ethics than any other politician, annd that the only reason he is being charged is that “The Left” is out to ruin him, not because of anything he has done.

    There’s a bit of denial there, to be sure, but the people who think this way surround themselves with media that reinforces this view. They have no reason to believe otherwise.

    Trump seems to have a firm base who will support him no matter what. But, the only effective way to counteract that it to make sure that enough other people turn out in the right states to constitute a EC victory. So while these recent headlines might not turn a Biden voter into a Trump voter, they may contribute to a Biden voter giving up and not showing up at all. Trump voters are definitely going to show up, though.

    Low turnout + solid base = Trump wins