Republicans have at long last elected a House speaker: Representative Mike Johnson, a fundamentalist Christian who was also once called a key ā€œarchitectā€ in Congressā€™s efforts to overthrow the 2020 election.

Johnson finally secured the speakerā€™s gavel after Republican infighting left the House without a speaker for 22 days. He secured 220 votes.

Johnson is a four-term congressman representing Louisiana. His win also represents the rise of the MAGA front in the Republican Party. Earlier Wednesday morning, Donald Trump endorsed Johnson as House speakerā€”after quickly killing Mike Emmerā€™s nomination the day before.

    11 months ago

    Iā€™m pessimistic on this. Johnson isnā€™t going to be removed from the Speakership, when Johnson is sucking on Trumpā€™s dick.

    I hope that the Democrats hit every swing district saying that their Republican member voted for this shit bag and they lacked ā€œpatriotismā€ to stand up to Trump.