MIAMI ā€” When Reps. Matt Gaetz and Byron Donalds staked out opposing positions on shutting down the government, they framed it as a fight over spending.

On ousting Speaker Kevin McCarthy, the two Florida Republicans disagreed over whether it was a referendum on McCarthyā€™s leadership or a distraction from urgent House business.

What they didnā€™t say is that the divergent views were also likely about the next campaign for governor of Florida.

Gaetz and Donalds are two of the most prominent Republicans expected to run to succeed Gov. Ron DeSantis in 2026, a distant contest that is already churning up political conflict at the state and national level. They have positioned themselves differently in Congress: both as stern conservatives, but with Gaetz as a rebellious gadfly and Donalds as a more conventional hard-liner, a dynamic that helped shape the shutdown fight.

Gaetz emerged Tuesday, after successfully booting McCarthy from the speakership, as one of the most influential Republicans in the nation ā€” the leader of the first successful House coup. And as he eyes Floridaā€™s governorship, his shadow feud could quickly turn Washington dynamics into fodder for a Tallahassee campaign war.

ā€œWe are breaking the fever,ā€ Gaetz declared outside the U.S. Capitol shortly after the vote Tuesday.

His move, however, was met with immediate backlash from some Florida Republicans, including Republican Rep. John Rutherford, who tore into Gaetz for ā€œdriving our nation toward the brink of another government shutdown, all for clicks and cash and a boost in his national profile.ā€

Donalds, in a brief interview this week at the Capitol, described himself as ā€œtactically differentā€ from Gaetz and denied that their differences are really about the governorā€™s race, saying 2026 is far in the future and that ā€œeach of these years is like dog years.ā€

He also confirmed heā€™s interested in running for governor, whether or not Gaetz runs.

But congressional rivals are just one group seeking the Florida governorā€™s mansion. Gaetz and Donalds, who both endorsed former President Donald Trump, may face competition from at least two DeSantis allies, Lt. Gov. Jeanette NuƱez and Ashley Moody, Floridaā€™s attorney general.

NuƱez, who is the highest-ranking Latina in Florida and served as DeSantisā€™ running mate in 2018 and 2022, endorsed the governor for president in May. And DeSantis returned the favor, saying NuƱez would provide continuity in the governorā€™s office if he wins the presidency and takes office in 2025.

Rounding out the prospective candidates are Rep. Mike Waltz (R-Fla.) and Jimmy Patronis, the GOP Florida chief financial officer.

That thereā€™s so much early interest in the race speaks to Floridaā€™s outsize role in national politics, where local competitions can have national implications, including sending the government into a shutdown. Beyond the congressional conflicts, leading the third most populous state in the nation gives governors a huge platform for their policy and political goals ā€” DeSantis famously built his national reputation by governing through the pandemic and reshaping the stateā€™s schools, health agenda and economy, helping turn Florida more red. And while no Florida governor has been elected president ā€” dubbed the ā€œcurse of the Florida manā€ ā€” six have tried in the last 50 years.

Some of the scrambling over the race can be traced to Gaetz. The pugilistic Trump ally was the center of attention in January during McCarthyā€™s speakership battle in the House, leading to speculation that he was trying to raise his profile ahead of a possible run for governor.

Thatā€™s only increased over the last few weeks as Gaetz led the House conservative revolt against McCarthy and agitated for a government shutdown. Rank-and-file House Republicans view Gaetzā€™s recent moves, in part, as an attempt to boost his political standing back home.

But Gaetz dismissed the hype around his possible 2026 gubernatorial run, saying in a brief interview earlier this week that he has ā€œno plans to run for governor,ā€ though admitted he thought ā€œTallahassee is a lot more lovely than Washington.ā€

During a livestreamed chat in August, Gaetz didnā€™t push back when Donald Trump Jr. and his girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, said theyā€™d both endorse him for governor.

ā€œI would definitely enjoy that job so much,ā€ Gaetz replied. ā€œI would never leave it if I ever got that opportunity.ā€

And Gaetz has been spending more time in Florida, said a former GOP operative, granted anonymity to protect their work relationships.

ā€œHeā€™s showing up at more Florida events than weā€™ve seen him at in the last six years ā€” football games, the [Florida] Capitol ā€” we didnā€™t see him for years and all the sudden heā€™s got a presence again,ā€ the person said.

Donald Trump also added to the interest when he was asked about Gaetzā€™s possible bid during an interview with the conservative National Pulse, praising the lawmaker as a ā€œgreat guy, a wonderful person.ā€ The Biden campaign quickly seized on the comment and posted it on social media. True to form, Gaetz responded to the Biden campaignā€™s post on X, saying: ā€œStopā€¦.you guys are making me blush.ā€

While ultimately backing the shutdown, Donalds broke with Gaetz during the funding fight in September when Donalds pushed for a short-term spending patch that would have reduced most non-defense spending and notably didnā€™t include aid for Ukraine. Donalds also rejected the attempt to oust McCarthy, saying itā€™s the wrong time and that Republicans need to stay unified in order to secure the border and cut spending.

While the congressional maneuvering has exposed cleaving among the candidates, so too has their allegiance to Trump and DeSantis. The congressional Republicans all endorsed Trump for president while Moody and NuƱez are closely tied to DeSantis. Patronis, who was first appointed to his position by former Florida Gov. Rick Scott, has not endorsed yet in the presidential race.

Trumpā€™s campaign did not respond to questions about how he was thinking about the Florida governorā€™s race. But his influence in Florida stretches back years to DeSantisā€™ 2018 gubernatorial run, when Trumpā€™s backing provided a crucial push toward DeSantisā€™ victory in the primary.

ā€œThe last time it mattered, it really mattered,ā€ said Rep. Carlos GimĆ©nez (R-Fla.), referring to Trumpā€™s endorsement of DeSantis. He predicted that a 2024 win from Trump would have a huge influence on the Florida race, and said his endorsement would still give any candidate a significant boost even if he loses.

But the same applies to DeSantis. Brett Doster, a Tallahassee-based Republican consultant who worked on former Gov. Jeb Bushā€™s gubernatorial run and as senior adviser in Florida to Mitt Romneyā€™s 2012 presidential campaign, said DeSantis would still be in a powerful position as governor if he returns home from the 2024 campaign trail.

ā€œHe will have an outsized interest in his legacy,ā€ Doster predicted.

    1 year ago

    I really canā€™t believe that scum Gaetz still has political capital. I thought when you are accused of trafficking sexual minors itā€™s political suicide. Apparently not. We can do better than this but we just donā€™t want to.

      1 year ago

      I thought when you are accused of trafficking sexual minors itā€™s political suicide.

      Only if youā€™re a democrat. If youā€™re a republican, they ignore it and cover up for you until they canā€™t anymore. Just ask Dennis Hastert or Gymnasium Jordan about that.