To me, it looks like the PayPal Mafia is trying to become the new masters, taking power away from the old families who held it since… Well since they made their fortunes on slavery.
I am not saying one side is in any way morally better, they’ve been draining society det for decades, but at least they weren’t actively trying to dismantle democracy or whatever.
The last time the Democrats had a coherent plan for when they got into office was 1930
It was preceeded by a market crash.
The market is crashing right now.
Hopefully we’ll get another Progressive Era.
Eh. We’ve just bought ourselves a decade or two of industrialized warfare and martial law by the looks of things. That will have to be survived first.
They have a coherent plan every year, it is to do whatever their masters tell them to do. Both parties have the same masters
To me, it looks like the PayPal Mafia is trying to become the new masters, taking power away from the old families who held it since… Well since they made their fortunes on slavery.
I am not saying one side is in any way morally better, they’ve been draining society det for decades, but at least they weren’t actively trying to dismantle democracy or whatever.