This primarily follows the tale of Bob Levinson, former FBI mob hunter that likely died in Iran in 2020 after being kidnapped. Possibly having been lured into a trap

Alexander L. died telling us that the Russian government was taken over by the Russian mafia. What would Bob Levinson have told us?

Russian influence has infiltrated us at every level

The Russians already got the UK to leave the EU - a goal since ā€œThe Foundations of Geopoliticsā€

This mostly follows context up to the 2020 election

Here is one quote from the article, page 3. Below the quote, within the article is the video they are referencing.

"With a bank behind him, all that was left to do for Semion was take out the ā€œhunters.ā€ He began locally ā€“ in Russia. Semion launched his attack on Russian intelligence and law enforcement, using his leverage over politicians to compromise any and all checks and balances against his own mob.

Here is a link to a supporting article, which provides an analysis on how Putin was used to help execute Semionā€™s strategy for turning Russia into a Mafiya State. It provides a brief historical narrative on the early moves of Semionā€™s mob after the fall of the Soviet Empire, and provides further resource links for you to read and explore:


So that you understand, here, what we are revealing to you about Putin and Semion, we have obtained video of Semion Mogilevich at Vladmir Putinā€™s campaign headquarters in 2000 ā€“ watching his man ascend to the Presidency. This is five years after a global intelligence report on Semionā€™s mafia empire.

You will see Don Semyon looking back to the camera at 1:15."

They are saying Putin is essentially the government face of Semionā€™s Russian mob. Putin is publicly known as the head of the Russian mob and this just provides further context.

To be clear, they use many mainstream sources you will consider trusted.

From Wikipedia:

ā€œWilliam S Session, Director of the FBI from 1987 to 1993 during the presidencies of Ronald Reagan and George H W Bush, was Mogilevichā€™s attorney in the United States until Sessionsā€™ death on June 12, 2020.ā€

    2 days ago

    I donā€™t know what to think of this. He committed most of his crimes in the west, spent a year in a Russian prison in like 2008, and then two more years under house arrest.

    No one knows his current location, some say Moscow while others say Israel.

    I usually see Semion Mogilevich be mentioned when someone wants to say something is actually controlled by Mossad or whatever which is nonsense and is usually said by stormfront neo-nazi types, yawn although this one claims that Trump is controlled by Semion Mogilevich whom is the guy who according to them, actually controls Moscow.

    In my opinion, both are nonsense but you are free to disagree.

    • witnessbolt@lemm.eeOP
      2 days ago

      My personal guess? Heā€™s fuckinā€™ old and someone else - maybe just Putin - took control

      Iā€™ve actually never heard of any of that stuff with Mossad

      Definitely not trying to spread misinformation. It has some pretty convincing ties with Semionā€™s connections to cigarette fraud and that being where Levinson was sent to investigate

      But I am clearly very convinced that Trump is controlled by Putin/Russia in general, so at the end of the day the exact ā€œwhoā€ doesnā€™t matter to me; this was more about the overarching story of Russian influence, that all aligns up with exactly what we understand Russian military psy-ops doctrine to be

      Which was always to infiltrate and destroy us from the inside. It makes 100% sense to me to go after those that would expose those mafia ties - since the Russian mafia is a tool used to corrupt politicians

      I think denying Russiaā€™s influence at this point is nonsense. We literally have threatened all our allies and even China - but we seem to be willing to hand Ukraine to Russia on a silver platter. Iā€™m not going to make outright claims of ā€œKrasnov,ā€ but Russia has compromised us in all sorts of ways - such as Paul Manafort being apart of Trumpā€™s first campaign

        2 days ago

        Personally I just think Putin just knows how to interact with Trump.

        They both seem to have the similar mindset in that since they are leading a major country, other smaller countries should bow down to them and do whatever they are told to do. Trump seems to have a genuine respect for the other major powers like Russia and China while viewing his relationship with Americaā€™s allies as a master-servant type of relationship.

        Because of this, Trump is willing to concede more to Russia than to Ukraine. However, Trump would have likely been more than happy to continue aiding Ukraine if Zelenskyy signed the mineral deal. It was not explicity stated of course but I see it as a large possibility. This is because Zelenskyy signing the deal would make Trump look very good. It would make Trump seem like he has all the power. It would make Trump look like he just made the greatest deal of the century. Zelenskyy embarrased him. And then Putin made himself look very amiable with him saying things like. ā€œUnlike Zelenskyy, I want peace, I want this war to end, I am willing to sign whatever deal we can come up with, its just Zelenskyy doesnā€™t want peaceā€ (paraphrasing of course).

        Trump expected Zelenskyy to do as he told. He wanted Zelenskyy to make peace. Zelenskyy refused which made Trump angry. So Trump offers a compromise where Zelenskyy signs a mineral deal in return for a possibility that Trump will continue aiding Ukraine. Zelenskyy refuses which makes Trump mad. Putin comes along and says, ā€œYou tried your best but Zelenskyy does not want peace, but I want peace, and you will be the peacemakerā€ (paraphrasing of course). Putin is making Trump look like the peacemaker he wants to look like.

        TLDR: Trump expects people to fellate him, Putin is very good at not actually doing that but making it seem like he is fellating Trump. Meanwhile Zelenskyy does the exact opposite and tells Trump to zip up his pants.

        This doesnā€™t mean that there is no Russian influence as Sergei Ryabkov whom is Russiaā€™s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs stated that the Trump campaign had been in contact with Russia and that ā€œwe know most of the people from his entourageā€.

        In fact, Journalist Craig Unger documented 59 people that connected Trump to Russia.

        And this also doesnā€™t mean that Semion has nothing to do with Trump as Semionā€™s underlings paid for a lot of Trump properties and David Bogatin purchased the Trump Tower condos for $5.3 million in 1984 and his brother is part of Semion Mogilevichā€™s mafia family.

        • witnessbolt@lemm.eeOP
          2 days ago

          The top couple comments of this Reddit post explain just how deeply imbedded Russia is with Trump. Heā€™s literally been laundering money for them since the 80s

          Trump was close friends with pedo Epstein. He may have stolen the first election with the help of Paul Manafort, who we put in federal prison

          I cannot say with 100% certaintyā€¦ but I think it goes just a little beyond respect with Russia. I agree with your assessment for other countries - we know heā€™s put tariffs on China for example but I think conversations between himself and Xi would work as you do

          I know many that share how you feel. Someone in real life was literally just explaining a similar sentiment to me. I completely disagree. Everything has been designed to screw Ukraine and empower Russia. He claimed he would be the ā€œtoughest everā€ on Russia, but heā€™d rather concede Ukraine and watch the entirety of Europe begin to rearm for war with Russia - per Emmanuel Macron

          I have already made other comments about ā€œThe Foundations of Geopolitics,ā€ which calls for the UK to leave EU, for Russia to annex Ukraine, and for Russia to cause instability in Canada and the USA to pull away from ā€œglobalismā€ (notice Trumpā€™s claim that it was globalists behind stock market issues? 100% straight Kremlin propaganda)

          Hereā€™s are the quotes from the Wiki

          "TheĀ United Kingdom merely described as an ā€œextraterritorial floating base of the U.S.ā€, should be cut off from theĀ European Union

          Ukraine (except Western Ukraine) should be annexed by Russia

          Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States and Canada toĀ fuel instability andĀ separatism againstĀ neoliberal GLOBALIST Western hegemony"

          Hereā€™s a quote from this Washington Spectator article

          ā€˜Between 2005 and 2010, a set of books called ā€œProject Russia was distributed to high-ranking officials in the Russian government and other influential thought leaders. The books offered a detailed program of spiritual warfare against Western democracies culminating in ā€œcontrolled global collapse"ā€™

          We are at war with Russia. They have worked to infiltrate and destroy us from within. They told us in the 90s they would dismantle us without firing a shot ā€“ what better way than to corrupt our very system and even install a compromised president? The sooner everyone in the West accepts that the Cold War never ended and we are still at war with Russia to this very moment, the sooner we can rip out this infection

          Whatā€™s worse is the billionaires playing along with this like Musk, Thiel, Andersson, and so on, that are pushing AI as a semi-religion behind the scenes and are happy to do Russiaā€™s bidding as it aligns with their dreams of collapsing the US and creating their own, billionaire run countries. Along side the religious right, thereā€™s essentially 3 temporarily aligned factions completely dismantling our government for different purposes - but all backed and aided by Russia

          Everything is against us. People must see and think clearly