Humankind, please. Let’s try to include everyone, please. And yes, I do hope our species will thrive into a future I’m too small to even imagine.
Second, be free to believe in whatever you may want but keep it to yourself. People covet power. Weaponizing belief is easy, as it preys on the weak and abandoned. Zealots are to fear, not belief. It’s about greed.
Third, let’s put those fabled deterrents back into the box. Peace through fear is not peace. It’s a hostage situation.
Its more like “peace through outcome too stupid and worthless to pursue” than “peace through fear.”
But i recognize this is mostly down to opinion and i respect your optimism and pacifism and wish everyone was like that. Then our biggest problems would be kernel level anti cheat.
That was depressing to read.
Humankind, please. Let’s try to include everyone, please. And yes, I do hope our species will thrive into a future I’m too small to even imagine.
Second, be free to believe in whatever you may want but keep it to yourself. People covet power. Weaponizing belief is easy, as it preys on the weak and abandoned. Zealots are to fear, not belief. It’s about greed.
Third, let’s put those fabled deterrents back into the box. Peace through fear is not peace. It’s a hostage situation.
Its more like “peace through outcome too stupid and worthless to pursue” than “peace through fear.” But i recognize this is mostly down to opinion and i respect your optimism and pacifism and wish everyone was like that. Then our biggest problems would be kernel level anti cheat.