20 years ago were image macros, demotivationals, and shortly after that, the following years were advice animals and rage comics.
Dancing baby was mid to late nineties, like Hamster Dance and goatse. Learn your Internet history. 20 years ago Digg was the king of social bookmarking before it was known as social media, 20 years ago was the birth of Web 2.0
20 years ago were image macros, demotivationals, and shortly after that, the following years were advice animals and rage comics.
Dancing baby was mid to late nineties, like Hamster Dance and goatse. Learn your Internet history. 20 years ago Digg was the king of social bookmarking before it was known as social media, 20 years ago was the birth of Web 2.0
Learn your internet history? Learn the touch of a woman lmfao