… I realize sure, some things are good, some aren’t, struggles are here, and I’m even not one of those having it the worst.

But I just wanted to write something down for all those of you that are younger : I can’t, sadly, know when or how it ends, or even if it will at all in certain cases, but you know all this self-criticism, self-flagellation, constant lack of self-confidence?

Well, there may be a time when it all ends. Completely, totally, entirely, and just like that, you realize you’re free from it, probably forever.

It doesn’t make everything ok, doesn’t heal everything and won’t change anything to your denied need for justice and anger against subservience or all the evils people, or you, live through.

But this whole thing about self harming, physically or psychologically? THIS may end. It ended for me like 6 or 7 years ago, probably to never come back. Nothing particular happened, you know. Stuff just healed. It took time but it did happen in the end.

And I dearly wish it will for you all too.

Cheers and take care.

  • double_quack@lemm.ee
    16 days ago


    (…) The purpose of the present review was to identify the known cardiovascular effects of flaxseed and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and, just as importantly, what is presently unknown.


    In view of these data, it is possible to advocate a potential pleiotropic effect of ALA beyond the more conventional cholesterol-lowering actions of most cardiovascular drugs. Most importantly, the body of ALA research now argues persuasively for the initiation of careful, randomized, controlled trials of dietary flaxseed and/or ALA in a patient population with symptoms of atherosclerotic heart disease.

    So…we got nothing 😅.