Appearing at a campaign event in Madison, WI, with Barack Obama, the Democratic candidate for vice president shared this characterization of Musk’s campaign event athleticism. As seen in the clip below, it doesn’t end there, though, as Tim Walz explains his view of exactly what that $1 million daily voter sweepstakes is buying the MyPillow of government contractors.
Man I hope Walz and Kamala win in a few weeks, because I really want to be able to listen to this guy call out bullshit for 8 years.
My wife says he sounds like Red Foreman.
Related - anyone see that episode when Red Foreman yells at Ford for pardoning Nixon? LOLOLOL.
We could all use a lot more Red Foremans in the GOP…
Hahahaha. Oh my god, that’s so funny. I cannot unsee(unhear) this now…I need to find a supercut of him calling people a dumbass.
Ask and you shall receive.
*Note: I’m in a really loud bar and can’t listen to the video but I assume it’s what you were looking for.
LOL, yes it is.