They’re not known for their culinary excursions.
Raids and colonizes 3/4 of the planet for their spices… doesn’t use any of them. /s
They’re not known for their culinary excursions.
Raids and colonizes 3/4 of the planet for their spices… doesn’t use any of them. /s
I’ve been asked illegal questions, like “what is your current salary” in job applications before. I like to respond by calling it out and leaving a link to a source.
Ok, where is said source?
It probably brings back some junior/senior high school trauma they most likely all
I’m pretty sure that’s a lot of this issue. They were bullies and assholes in school and always picked on the “weird kid(s)” and now that they’re being referred to that way they’re freaking out because they’re scared they’re going to become a target.
replaced sugar with chemicals
Sugar is a chemical, ya dolt. So is water. So are most of the components that make up you.
Man, education has really taken a nose dive…
Mosquito magnet. I have one, they work very well.
Well, it’s a good thing that people can like different things than you. Good lord, talk about main character syndrome.
As a tesla owner for several years, I find this hard to believe. 15 minutes at a 250 kw charger doesn’t even get you 50%.
I can go buy a surgery robot but that doesn’t mean I know how to use it. Just because you own a Tesla doesn’t mean you know how to road trip it effectively, or have one that can do what I literally just did. For example, an early Model S or X can only charge at 120KW no matter what charger you plug it into, ergo no, it can’t do this. But any long range or performance model 3 or Y certainly can.
Part of the reason there’s so many stops (which I prefer and so do my wife and daughter, for that matter), is that if you keep the battery’s charge level between 10 and 50% from hop to hop, you end up spending much less time at chargers in general because you’re always charging at peak or very close to it. Sitting at a charger waiting for that last 10% at like 75kw from 70% - 80% is MUCH slower than hopping on down the road and charging at near peak at the next charger.
It works, I know for a fact it works, and I brought the receipts! Here’s a few examples from my trip:
30-60 minute stops
I literally just drove 2,077.37 miles from Central CA to Chicago over the last 3 days for another one of those trips, and the longest stop out of any of them according to TeslaFi was 26 minutes and that was only once, for a really long stretch in Wyoming that doesn’t have any chargers on it yet. Every other one was under 20 minutes, with most of them being around 10-15. The entire trip took 23 supercharging stops and added 4 hours and 23 minutes to the overall trip. That was with me running balls-out with autopilot set to 85 for as much of the trip as I could possibly do (e.g. slowing down for construction, etc), so my efficiency was only 65.66% which is pretty bad for my car.
I don’t know what you’re doing, but you’re absolutely doing it wrong if you’re spending 30 to 60 minutes to charge every time.
Don’t get an EV if you take cross country road trips 5x a year.
I’m an EV owner that takes at least that many 5000+ mile road trips a year with very very little issues. I’ve never once been stranded due to charging problems. I also however used my brain and bought the right car for the job, and right now that is a Tesla. Hopefully in a couple years once NACS becomes more mainstream I can move to another option.
Penn Jillette said it best. Paraphrasing: “I rape and kill and murder everyone I want to, and that number is zero. Why the fuck isn’t your number zero???”
Ironically I would have been happy to help her figure out a solution had she not been a complete and utter bitch about it. Instead she got her ass fired for misusing company resources. I suspect her boss was looking for an excuse, 'cause this woman was a 100% Karen stereotype.
I had a lady in the marketing department open a ticket with us many years ago when ILoveYou was running rampant and we had blocked yahoo mail, gmail, etc on our corporate network and she was PISSED because “I need to access that for my other job!”. Yes, she put that in the ticket. That was a brief discussion with her manager and a resume generating event for her.
It depends… how much money and how many slavish cult followers do you have?