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Cake day: October 14th, 2024


  • I mean… I think it’s more nuanced than that, but let’s say I’m on board with that. That doesn’t explain why they would make an unforced error here. It’s not logical. Whoever invited him when they didn’t want him there or kicked him out when they did, that person has royally fucked up. Feasibly cost her the election, perhaps.

    So why protect them? Until someone can provide a narrative that makes some kind of sense, it looks to me like jumping to conclusions without enough facts to paint a coherent picture. And I’m not going to accept any “clear” conclusions until the pieces add up.

    Which isn’t to say you’re wrong but I don’t have facts to support that you’re right. It doesn’t add up and when it doesn’t it always seems fishy to me that folks claim to draw clear narrative in murky water.

    But I’ll also cop to a certain amount of distrust of any anti-Harris message these days. I don’t think she’s perfect, but I do think an awful lot of the people making hay over her imperfections are not being honest about their reasons for doing so.

  • Where does it say Harris or her campaign was responsible, though? Yeah it was her event. It seems likely that someone from her campaign did it. But who actually made the call? Why was he invited just to be kicked out? Like that’s obviously not the whole story because the only possible outcome would be bad PR.

    We’ve heard his side of things, but you know damn well one side of any story isn’t the whole truth. The Harris campaign should work to get to the bottom of this and explain what happened and why and what they will do differently in the future, but to blame her unilaterally without hearing their side of things is just presuming guilt.

  • No. They don’t applaud it. Israel is a geopolitical ally. It is in our best interest to maintain a good relationship. But no one is happy about what Israel is doing. We just don’t want to yank the leash too hard. Getting Israel wiped off the map isn’t in US interests. Nor is them forsaking us and finding some other sugar daddy.

    And even if all the worst things you could say about Harris were true… Trump would still be 100x worse, so it doesn’t matter. I’d crawl across a mile of broken glass to vote for Harris. I’d crawl across a mile of glass to vote for fucking Hillary, and that’s saying something. Because I know what the alternative is.

  • Journalism has been dying for twenty years. That’s an altogether different issue. That said, I’m aware of and concerned about the critical situation for journalists in that part of the world in particular. Journalists are also targeted in Mexico. They are targeted all over the world by both governments and militants.

    Should we investigate this? Yes. What are we going to do about it if we find it was deliberate? Fuck if I know. Our relationship with Israel and Israels relationship with the rest of the Middle East is extremely complex. Geopolitics is no place for moral high ground when doing a thing only because it is moral could result in the unnecessary deaths of millions.

    That (among many other reasons) is why you’ll never catch me running for President. I don’t presume to know what is best for the world. And anyway the answer to that probably depends on time frame anyway. If I knew for certain the best possible future for humanity in 1000 years demanded a genocide today, I couldn’t do it.

    But what I do know for certain is, working against Harris defeating Trump leads to the worst outcome in 18 months. Probably for everyone not too rich to care who gets elected. So posting badly written articles that take an anti-Harris slant and then blaming that on the Israeli government (which is certainly fucking atrocious, but pretty far removed from an article about an event in Detroit) feels like a bad-faith position to me.

    I hope this is somehow the response you were looking for.

  • This is a much better article. Still no one to explain why he was removed. I should think the Harris campaign would want answers and as (I presume) the ones who paid for the event they should be entitled to them.

    I hope the pressure stays on to get answers. Until we have them, all we have to go on is that Harris didn’t request him removed and says he remains welcome.

    Could be someone on her staff. Could be the venue management has some standing beef. Who knows. Could be circling the wagons to cover something up or it could just be disorganized confusion and no one wanting to say something to get themselves in trouble.

    This is where we need good journalists.

  • People downvote things they disagree with or that seem like astroturfing all the time. Nothing odd about that.

    What is odd is that no effort was shown trying to determine why he was removed, but blame seems to be cast at Harris. What is odd are some of the quotes. In getting kicked out he said, “I was just in my suit and white shirt.”

    Was there a question about what he was wearing that went unmentioned? What a weird thing to say unprompted, so I assume there’s context to that statement which the article doesn’t include. Any reason for that?

    It doesn’t seem like a great article. It’s news. It’s worth trying to get to the bottom of. It would be nice to understand who made that decision and what was going on in their head at the time. It would’ve been nice if the article did anything useful instead of rumor mongering.

    This is such a bad piece of journalism I’m not at all shocked it’s being downvoted. Not that popular articles aren’t poorly written but I guess the headline says what people want to hear. Nature of social media.

  • I sort of feel like “holy fuck not Trump” is a unifying ideal, but maybe other people are more nuanced. It’s just that I literally expect him to do the most horrific thing possible in any circumstance. I don’t think he’s ever done anything I’ve ever agreed with, except one thing with H1B visas.

    I honestly think a gibbon monkey throwing feces at a dartboard would be a statistically better form of government.