Stellaris for me…
Stellaris for me…
They came through and sent me the game like they said!
I am super intrigued by this, might pick it up next time it goes on a big sale.
Anyone try playing it on the Deck?
That looks incredible! The second one was good but I think I still like the first one better. I would love to dive back in.
Whatever is cheapest/easiest for my family.
Also really enjoyed that one.
We’re on a limited data plan to save money so I already keep it turned off for everything except messaging. I don’t think we could afford a full-fat data plan! That crap adds up quick.
Personally, if I see a full trash can I will keep my trash with me until I can find a place to dispose of it. I can’t imagine just throwing it on the ground regardless of the can situation.
I believe it. We visited in late summer so didn’t see it. I don’t think I’d mind much myself but it’s all academic as I’ll never live there.
I love Iceland. Wish I could move there.
Sorry posting on mobile, I’ll come back later and get the correct link.
Just wanted to comment and say Lemmy baseball fan here! There are dozens of us, dozens! Also not in IT and I don’t use Linux but here I am. I feel like an imposter on Lemmy.
If only this guy knew what was involved in certifying stuff under the current USMCA agreement. It is not nearly as simple as slapping a ‘Made in Mexico’ label on it. There are a strict set of rules that involve classifying every item in a BOM and having values of them with rules about what goods can shift and what the values thresholds are for each component. It’s part of what I do every day for work. Too much non-US, CA, or MX content that doesn’t tariff shift and you can’t get duty free entry.
I’m a lurker. Vegetarian myself but my wife is vegan.
I just say it the way it is - ‘Oh that is Travis’ shoe’
I added the apostrophe for writing it, but I don’t say the name any different.
Yeah I play FH5 and have not touched the DLC. I feel like there is more than enough cars and content in the base game that I will probably never get to as is. It’s just a chill game for me, drive around the beautiful scenery, relax, and do a race here or there.
I agree completely, I was just trying to say I think that was the beginning of it. I never touch cosmetic DLC but I at least consider DLC that adds story or more content. I play Paradox games after all. :-)
I feel like DLC is just a re-branding of ‘expansion packs’ that we used to have in the 90s.
Showed it to my wife who is a big classic MM fan and she was like ‘niiice’
The original creators are working on a sequel! ‘Children of Infinity’