Homo Homini Lupus Est

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2023


  • As you’re obviously no american, you also know that even if you’d pay netflix (for the FULL price i might add) you only get a fraction of what they got and not a penny discount for it. Sorry, but no. If you want my money, OFFER ME SOMETHING. Or discount me. That is just robbery.

    So, you at least need a server for the whole work. A pi could do it, although you might not expect stellar performance off of it, but it would get the job done I assume. Except maybe live transcoding if that’s necessary (like watching 4k uhd content on a 720p phone or so).

    So min-spec would be the combined min-spec for all services. As they probably also run on linux (i use win-20xx-server) it really should do.

    You’d need:

    • The **nars you’d want (radarr=movies, sonarr=series, bazarr=subs, lidarr=music etc. and there’s even one for porn lol)
    • a downloader, either usenet (prefered for speed and comfyness) or torrent. So SabNZBd or qtorrent or whatever
    • If usenet, then you’d need a usenet-account (use one with the highest retention (backlog) like eweka.nl (if you wait for black friday or so, they usually have BIG discounts) and probably an indexer (the search-engine kinda). Like 10 bucks a year if you pay only yearly or like 30 lifetime, depends on service. I’d advise for nzbgeek, they’re cheap and nearly 100% net a result. You could also go for free ones, but they’re always very limited. Probably more than enough for 1-2 movies a week or so. sucks if you want a series with 400 episodes :-)

    And of couse:

    • a media-server. Like Plex or Emby. I personally love emby, i even pay them just because (and for some minor benefits). You could also go for the free jellyfin, but it’s more hassle to setup and i didn’t get it to work reliably (and i’m a fucking pro)

    Maybe, if you want to access everything from the outside and don’t want that machine to be totally exposed:

    • some (reverse)proxy like nginx or caddy. I Prefer caddy, it’s fire&forget like all others mentioned here. Once setup though.

    I admit, it’s a bit of tinkering and configuring, but once it’s working it’s fine. The *narrs auto-update reliably, emby does too. Occasionally you might manually update sabnzb and restart emby after an update, but that’s it.

    I even integrated everything with telegram so I get notifications when someone added/moved/deleted something or stopped playing or whatever else. completely smart-home-integrated too.

    if you have more questions, just hit me :)

  • I’d say it’s a difference between being good which benefits myself too and basing a life on it. If you do something just to do good, you might be doing good, but aren’t good. As said, that mindset might quickly turn around if there’s suddenly no benefit to being good anymore. Sure, you could argue that the motivation to do good doesn’t matter as long as good is done. But, as said, it’s just so very volatile and setting no example for others.

    As to charities…i had consulted two very big ones here and i said fuck-them and left after some days. Having access to their complete data made me puke. Up to that point I always thought charities were cool. But just to point out one:

    • 2 CEOs driving fat company-cars, on “company”-trip every week (london for a nice dinner etc)
    • The cellar was full of assets of old people’s inheritance. At least double-digit millions of paintings, gold, jewelry, motorbikes, cars…
    • “charity” moved for the 3rd time in 2yrs, buying the third multi-million-building.
    • a whole division of lawyers to threaten people
    • a whole division of marketing-gurus to talk old people into leaving their inheritance to them. And boy you would be wondering how good that works.
    • tons of things more, nobody gave a fuck about anyway

    Yes, they also did good things with their “income”. But literally >95% was for the “overhead”. The only good thing was that employees are basically non-fire-able. They even keep alcoholics who rarely show up, just to avoid negative publicity. Most of the people working there don’t even do anything anymore. They just spend the day surfing. Salaries were shit though. But if you got a job there, you would essentially be set for life.

    The other “charity” wasn’t much different, i left even earlier with a “fuck you, i won’t work for you”. Sure, maybe there ARE good charities, who spend >80% for the charity not the “overhead”, but I don’t have to time to find out, hence i never donated a single cent anymore except tiny local associations i know (and work with/for).

  • Sorry, it’s hard to trust someone to be “good” when being good is actually the source of income. If it pays a sociopath to be nice, he’d be nice. Until it stops being beneficial. Doesn’t mean he COULD be nice. I don’t know the guy personally :)

    Sanders might be nice, and also productive right now. But a look on how incredibly bad the USA looks to the world, i highly doubt he will REALLY do anything. Even if he has good intentions, it sadly doesn’t matter much. Though, everytime I read something about/from him, I always was like “why the fuck don’t they get THIS guy to run this shithole?! why do they want the assclown instead?!”.