- cross-posted to:
- sweden@lemmy.world
- cross-posted to:
- sweden@lemmy.world
[The following text is partly based on the linked article, and partly on other linked articles in Swedish.]
In light of the alarming increase in bombings in Sweden, the Social Democrats are demanding the implementation of a large visitation zone in southern Stockholm. This is a type of measure they have previously criticized when it was legalized during 2024 by the current Kristersson government.
The Social Democrat legal spokesperson, Teresa Carvalho, said that “We are in a national crisis”.
During the previous week, minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (Moderate Party) called a meeting with the police authority to discuss measures for addressing the crisis.
A press release from the Swedish Police states that many of these attacks, orchestrated by criminal organizations, are carried out by youths & children against entrepreneurs & businesses in order to extort them.
Whilst another five explosions rock the country in the past 24 hours, the Swedish Minister of State Ulf Kristersson commented in writing to TT:
“The criminal gangs show a complete indifference toward the public. This is domestic terrorism that we must combat with the full force of society.”
Original quote in Swedish:
“De kriminella gängen visar upp total likgiltighet mot allmänheten. Detta är en inhemsk terrorism som vi måste bekämpa med samhällets samlade kraft.”
Edit: Grammar
Visitation zone:
where they can conduct body searches and vehicle searches without suspicion of a crime, in areas where they assess the risk of explosions or shootings as significant.
In localized high risk areas, like events, this makes sense. For half a city all the time, no, that’s a police state.
When you have 5 explosions in 24 hours, extraordinary measures have to be called in the short term before long term solutions, social reforms and alike can be implemented and take effect
Personally I don’t like it either, but at the same time the situation is devolving completely. Apartment buildings being subjected to bomb attacks on a daily basis, and in such a sparsely populated country as Sweden.
This isn’t new. Violent crime has been getting worse year by year here in Sweden during the past decade, and right now I’m quite thankful to be living in a rather rural town.
This new law literally legalizes stop and frisk.
Don’t worry, it will only apply to PoC (/s)
Sweden is not the US, social challenges exist in the rest of the world too, and the US experience is not universal.
I’m Swedish lol
Oh yes please lmao
Just going to point out gang shootings and targeted bombings is not terrorism, and declaring curfews and removing habeus corpus in the capital is insane.
För terroristbrott döms den som begår eller försöker begå ett uppsåtligt brott om
- gärningen allvarligt kan skada ett land eller en mellanstatlig organisation, och
- gärningen begås i avsikt att
a) injaga allvarlig fruktan hos en befolkning eller en del av en befolkning,
b) otillbörligen tvinga ett offentligt organ eller en mellanstatlig organisation att vidta eller att avstå från att vidta en åtgärd, eller
c) allvarligt destabilisera eller förstöra grundläggande politiska, konstitutionella, ekonomiska eller sociala strukturer i ett land eller i en mellanstatlig organisation.