“Lauren Boebert makes woman feel threatened and unsafe in the women’s bathroom.”
Also, “Lauren Boebert cannot distinguish between Sarah McBride and another woman.”
If one can’t tell the difference between a transgender woman and a biological woman, perhaps it’s time to shut up about the issue altogether.
But it hurts their fee-fees
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“I made an error regarding a mistaken identity. I apologized, learned a lesson, and it won’t happen again,” Boebert said in a statement.
The fuck it won’t. Fascists tend to see their enemies everywhere. It’s why simply telling Trump “no, you can’t do that” makes you some kind of radical Marxist in his eyes.
Did you also notice the part where she thinks the problem is misdirecting her bigotry to attack the wrong person, rather than not being a hateful fucking bitch in the first place?
Learned a lesson my ass
So basically the opposition should just be radical Marxists anyway since the Republicans are just going to call anyone they disagree with that anyway.
Fat chance if that happening without some kind of forceful takeover of the Democratic party.
These fucking people literally do not care about this country, or helping their constituent bases whatsoever. Neglecting your duties should be fucking arrestable.
Maybe it would be if every dirtbag cop in the country wasn’t on their side.
I’m way more worried about the cops becoming Brownshirts than the military.
Becoming? You think they aren’t already?
You should be more worried about foreign influence doing a really good job taking down this country from the inside. Cops are just a side effect of this corruption. The Cold War is spicy hot these days.
Dude as much as there is an amount of foreign interference, I have lived in the USA for over forty years and the people who live here have genuinely always been this fucking dumb so blaming it on the “spicy hot cold war” sounds to me like not being willing to take responsibility for the massive amount of absolutely dumbfuck motherfuckers in the USA.
No, sorry, they’re real, and we don’t get to pretend that they’ve just been subject to a foreign influence campaign.
Further, what about the non-foreign influence campaigns like FOX News, One America News Network, Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and Xitter? Those are totally okay because they’re not foreign? Our own influence campaigns are fine?
And yes, I’m way more worried about people who have the State backing them when it comes to owning guns and being able to violently assault citizens than a fucking foreign influence campaign. Because they’re actually here and have actually already been causing massive damage to US social cohesion for fucking decades. Just look up Killology. A foreign influence campaign didn’t create Killology, a fucking psychopath ex-military American created it.
So let’s go over once again:
- Americans are genuinely that fucking dumb.
- Our corporations do the same fucking shit to us and they don’t even come from a foreign country, they’re just worried about money.
- The cops have been a violent occupying force who abuse the citizenry and have been for a long fucking time, arguably always.
This just sounds too much like blaming it on everything but our own fucking real homegrown problems.
I mean…both points of view are valid for sure. I’m positive we’re in the situation we’re in due to collusion and influence from foreign adversaries, but it’s because people are so easily led and dumb that it’s possible.
I’m just saying like all things American, it’s a very, very Amerocentric view of the world, where we’re the most important and need to be destabilized.
We wrecked our own soft power with the Iraq War and Snowden leaks. No foreign actors forced our hands. Iraq War was just plain stupid and Snowden leaked because his big boss was lying to congress (and has never been punished for it).
Foreign influence kicked up after that because we created an opening with our own fucking hubris by destroying international credibility as well as credibility at home with our own citizens.
Cops were already practicing Killology and being a violent problem in US communities long before the Iraq War and the death of US soft power. (EDIT: In point of fact, the Iraq War was when the cops started to get all that disused military equipment, too. No foreign entity forced that, Bush did. Cops generally didn’t have APCs at local departments in the '90’s)
where we’re the most important and need to be destabilized
I’m far from US-centric, but the US is the most powerful nation in the world right now.
We wrecked our own soft power with the Iraq War and Snowden leaks.
The first Iraq war increased our soft power, the second war pissed all that away, and more, as did the debacle in Afghanistan. On the other hand, the Snowden leaks were largely ignored by most of the world except a few people interested in secure communications and the surveillance state. But no nation-state would be alienated by those revelations, since they all do it.
As for cops, their continuing militarization also has to do with some other Bush-era brain-farts like bringing in the Israelis to train Homeland Security and local cops. It’s a miracle we haven’t had more 12-year-olds on the casualty lists after that. Colonialist occupiers sure as shit aren’t the best people to teach policing by consent. And without community buy-in, cops behave very much like hostile occupying forces.
The cops have been a violent occupying force who abuse the citizenry and have been for a long fucking time, arguably always.
American police evolved directly from fugitive slave patrols and strike-breaking Pinkertons, so… yeah.
Two or more things can be true at once.
Most of the things you mention have been features of the system for generations. So why have things suddenly gotten worse? What’s different now?
One thing is the power of propaganda enabled by social media. Another closely related thing is foreign interference. Do we have our own homegrown scumbags? Of course we do. But only lately have they allied themselves with hostile foreign states to attack the rest of us.
My dude, there’s more than just a single problem. If you’re looking to point a single finger, you’re not going to find a solution.
I literally listed out several problems, all which are homegrown problems. Nor did I ever deny the existence of foreign influence. But sure, that’s just a “single problem.” Technically you’re the one who acted like your single problem was the most important.
I’m saying I understand it’s bigger than foreign influence. But that I think influence outside of the government, foreign or corporate, is the root cause and bad cops is a symptom.
but that I think influence outside of the government, foreign or corporate, is the root cause and bad cops is a symptom.
My friend, as someone who has lived here my whole life. The cops were bad way, way, way, way, way, way before corporate influence and foreign influence. You ever heard the term “Good ol boys?” Seriously, do you know the history of US cops? If not, you really ought to look into it and you’ll stop thinking they’re not an issue of their own entirely.
But otherwise we’re on the same page. Cheers.
Umm, no… Study the history of policing. You sound kinda…not smart.
Keep going… who are the police working for?
Dude. Are you saying they work for (checks notes) foreign influence??
They work for capitalists, buddy. The problem with policing starts way the hell before the cold war was a thing. They’re a symptom of capitalism. And foreign influence is a symptom of? C’mon I know you can get there. Wait, no I don’t… 🤪
They work for the government.
The government is corrupt (for many reasons).
The government is controlled by the ruling class.
The ruling class is the root cause.
The police are just one head of the hydra. If you cut it off, two will come back. That’s not a solution.
They’re just assholes looking for people to torment.
These people have names and addresses.
All humans are not immune to death.
In Minecraft.
All I’m saying is, people like having certain things in their home, like working sewage, and running water, and electricity.
Be real miserable if that got shut off somehow.
I think it would be much more effective not to shut any of those services off. Rather, ensure very thoroughly that they’re all present and accounted for, but just not existing in any of the places they’re expecting them to be.
Can’t wait for the freakout when a trans man has to use that restroom according to the rules.
Unfortunately in places where this is a law, the response has been violence towards trans men
Cis women harassing trans men is gonna be a bad time for those cis women
This is what it takes for a lot of them to understand. Having to learn what a trans man looks like and that he is now required to use the women’s room next to their daughters.
I hope he pisses in the sink as a flex.
Everyone is supposed to use the women’s restroom now. Didn’t you get the memo?
Was it MTG?
Magic the gathering
That’s MtG™.
The other is Empty G.
Ohhh, counterspell.
“Bimbo who vapes and acts like an asshole at musicals brings her shitbag behavior to the ladies room.”
Gendered bathrooms are dumb anyway. Let’s just get rid of that silly rule and make all bathrooms accessible to everyone
This plus floor to ceiling stalls and cameras in the hand washing area would solve the issue. No big deal, I’d think.
Reps. Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Nancy Mace have made transgender bathroom bans one of their central political culture-war issues.
Our country is on the verge on imploding but im glad our representatives have nothing better to do than play bathroom police. Fucking jokes
I thought we’re all legally women now?
Offer him a handjob.
Gross! Do you think they’re in a theatre or something?!
But who was it actually?
Another woman.
Imagine: Beetlebert the qanon fan, thinking she has the right to judge anyone else. This is the woman vaping and jerking her date off in public.