She acknowledged that she must do better in the South Carolina primary than in New Hampshire to continue her campaign.
Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley blasted the Republican National Committee on Sunday, saying it was not an honest broker in the party’s 2024 primary race.
In an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Haley, the last remaining major GOP opponent to former President Donald Trump, said the RNC was “clearly not” playing fairly.
“Do you think the RNC has been an honest broker in this case?” moderator Kristen Welker asked.
Haley replied, “I mean, clearly not.”
“If you’re gonna go in and basically tell the American people that you’re gonna go and decide who the nominee is after only two states have voted? I mean, 48 states out there?” she said. “This is a democracy. The American people want to have their say in who is going to be their nominee. We need to give them that.”
Haley noted that it takes 1,215 delegates to reach the nomination, the majority of which have yet to be allocated.
Aww gee didn’t hear her complaining when it didn’t effect her, she’s been kissing Trump’s ass this entire time.
That’s changed in the last few weeks. Now she’s attacking him. It probably took her way too long for it to matter though.
Too little, too late.
She’s been a Trump bootlicker for the last few years, so changing your mind about him this late in the game when it affects you is damn near meaningless, she’s shown who she is, a weak willed traitor sympathizer with no true moral center, the party of law & order my ass.
The only Republican on the debate stage during the primaries that isn’t a traitor sympathizer was clearly Chris Christie, who still sucks, he’s just not a traitor like his cohorts who lick Trump’s taint
He wasn’t a traitor during the primaries, but he was plenty traitorous from 2016-2020.
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He was if you consider being a Russian asset running for president traitorous…
The only Republican on the debate stage during the primaries that isn’t a traitor sympathizer was clearly Chris Christie, who still sucks
I’ve seen at least two interviews in the past yearish (when his candidacy was only rumored) where he was asked (after acknowledging how awful Trump was) if he’d vote for him again. He wouldn’t answer.
She needed to be attacking his ass for the past 16 months. It’s too little too late now.
That said, when you look at what’s happening in Nevada, where they’re just making up new primary and caucus rules to make her votes not count at all, this is what a rigged election actually looks like.
This is bizarre really. Polling shows it’s not even competitive. There’s an outside chance Haley might win maybe two states at most, and that’s unlikely.
Trump would win the primary legit, but they’re rigging things anyway. That’s some top tier crookery.
They want to declare Trump the winner so he can formally start to tap into the RNC war chest.
That, and they want to get on Donnie’s Good list and not his Naughty list
Really the cutoff should be Jan. 7 2021. If they weren’t calling him out by then (or stopped at any point since then), they’re only doing it when it’s self-serving and convenient.
It’s the Republican way “Unless the problem directly effects me, it doesn’t exist.”
Neither the RNC or the DNC have any obligation to run their primaries truly democratically and they know it and flex it all the time. RIP Bernie.
Pff, they know they don’t even have to run the country democratically!
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How about no parties. Just vote for whoever is best at your local election without any party affiliations and then let them figure shit out when they get to their seats.
Rather than voting along party lines and nothing ever getting done they will vote however they think will get them voted in again. Republicans in California have different views and priorites than Republicans in South Carolina, same as Democrats in Oregon and Democrats in New York. Get rid of the Ds and Rs and you will end up with much better and honest representation.
How about no parties. Just vote for whoever is best at your local election without any party affiliations and then let them figure shit out when they get to their seats.
-George Washington, 1796
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Run as an independent, Nikki! Do it!
Run as an independent, Nikki! Do it!
Even better, run as a Republican claiming you’re the TRUE Republican candidate. There’s likely a portion of the Republican leadership that would splinter off with her. We are seeing a miniature version of this right now in Michigan where two different Republicans claim to be leading the Republican party in the state.
GOP leaders denying the results of an election?!?!
That is… NOT a good idea.
DeSantis voters look a lot like Trump voters. In fact, they’re pretty much indistinguishable, since DeSantis was using the same talking points as Trump, only more coherently (and effectively in Florida). Haley voters look more like traditional Republicans, who are people that really don’t like Trump. Right now, assuming that both Trump and Biden are the respective nominees, at least some Haley voters will move to Biden rather than voting for Trump. If you want to keep democracy going, that’s a good thing. E.g., you may not agree with Biden on every thing, or most things, but you agree that he’s not going do his level best to be an autocrat.
The MAGA bullshit is popular enough that Biden needs to either be able to mobilize far, far more young voters than has been done in prior years, or peel off some moderate Republicans. The latter is likely more politically feasible than the former.
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“Help! The leopards are eating my face!”
Said the lady in the face eating leopard party.
Crazy how they can recognize these things when it’s not in their favor…
Nikki Haley blasted the Republican National Committee
Holy shit, good thing she didn’t SLAM them
Sounds an awful lot to me like the statement of a woman who is surprised that the face-eating leopard she helped to raise in the first place is now looking at her with that hungry look in his eyes because the “them” that he was supposed to be attacking in the first place is no longer enough to feed his hunger.
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Mrs. Haley’s formal political career began in 2004. It has taken her twenty fucking years to figure the obvious out.
I guess later is better than never?? Like Republicans, if Reince Priebus didn’t already clue you into the game, I don’t know what else could have convinced you.
No, it hasn’t.
This is exactly what Putin does in his ‘elections’ and it worries me. ‘Opposition’ that is not currently in a Siberian prison, is hand picked.
She’s playing the game they all have the entire time. They want a fascist state that gets to pick the winners and losers. It’s their endgame and they have shown every red flag that exists through the decades.
Reince Priebus sounds like some sort of saw-toothed anal parasite.
BTW what’s with her Sidney Powell cosplay?
Keep spittin, Evil Queen
She sucks, but if she can help split Republican voters, she’s at least useful.
Your sayin what I’m layin breh
I’d imagine ranking through the RNC is a lot like climbing the hierarchy of the Klingon Empire.
I don’t think so. Much of Klingon culture is based upon honor and avoiding actions that bring shame. The modern day RNC appears to entirely lack both honor and ability to experience shame.
The Klingon empire is corrupt as fuck all throughout DS9 so maybe they are closer than you think lol.
The only Klingon who actually gave half a fuck about honour was one raised completely outside of Klingon culture.
Don’t forget about Kern! He sure did!
That, and there is a lot more stabbing in the Klingon Empire.
Yeah they’re more like the Romulans with all the mind control stuff they do.
I think that applies equally to the RNC and DNC. It’s why we don’t have meaningful debates anymore either.
You’re getting there, Nikki. It’s taking awhile, but you’re on the right track to finally realize what a shit group of people you want for friends. If you actually care though…that’s another question.