The gist is you write macros/automations/scripts to play the MMO based on your logic.
I decided to do it in bash/curl/jq to make it extra fun and learn some tools I use occasionally but only withheavy man page referencing. After some playing I might be a bash-scripting pro.
I don’t need to play it…
I don’t need to play it…
So this is… what I do for work, just now in my leisure time?
Peak MMO
Hah, okay. That’s pretty cool. If people are going to be writing farming bots anyway, one might as well make it the formal objective.
… but i have to work in the morning
Sounds like Screeps or Hackmud! But I think the heavier RPG focus might make it easier to get into. I keep falling flat on games like these, especially with the idea of a few veterans who are automation or async wizards. Definitely gonna look into it more.
That sounds really awesome. Can you be bullied by stronger players, or you can just do your thing and interact if you wanna? Not into competing/fighting other players personally.
Reading through the site, there’s no real player interaction now except for an in game marketplace. There’s no PvP, but it looks like having multiple players team up to fight enemies is on the roadmap. So, not really much of an MMO at the moment, which is probably a plus since it means there isn’t any griefing
Hmm, website is down.Edit: it’s back up
Lemmy hug of death